Febbraio 2000 - Volume XIX - numero 2
Problemi non correnti
1I Divisione di Pediatria, Modulo di Ecocardiografia Pediatrica, Ospedale SS. Annunziata, ASL NA 1, Napoli
2Cardiologia Pediatrica, Ospedale S. Orsola - Malpighi, Università di Bologna
Key words: Congenital heart defects, Malnutrition, Enteral nutrition
Failure to thrive is frequent in infants with congenital hearth defect and may negatively influence the surgical correction. Besides the prenatal problems such as an embriopathy, other factors such as malabsorption and reduced caloric intake may favour the malnutrition in these patients. An appropriate and timely nutritional intervention is requested. Several cases improve by simply optimizing the caloric density of the formula, but enteral nutrition is often requested to garantee he needed calories to the infant.
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