Novembre 2000 - Volume XIX - numero 9
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Clinica Pediatrica, Università di Trieste e IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste
Anti-pancreas antibodies (ICA, GAD, IAA) identifie high-risk relatives of diabetics subject. On the other hand, foods and infections have been considered environmental factors relevant to the risk of IDD. Moreover, in coeliac patients anti-islet positive, gluten-free diet reverse that condition. We investigated the hystology of gut mucosa in 8 anti-islet positive, EMA negative, anti-tTG negative, IDDM relatives and the effect of a gluten free diet on the intestinal hystology and on the anti-islet antibodies. In 5 patients mucosal lesions of coeliac type (Marsh 3 to 3c degree) have been found. In 3 of 5 who mantained a gluten-free diet for a year, mucosal lesions and anti-islet antibodies cleared. That suggest a non-specific adjuvant effect of gliadine on the intestinal lesions and on the anti-insula autoimmunity, also non-coeliac patients.
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UO di Pediatria, Azienda Ospedaliera Moscati, Avellino
Description of a Dubowitz’ syndrome case (shortness of stature, microcephaly, superactivity, slight mental retardation, peculiar facies, thin hair, lid drop) associated with renal agenesis and vesicoureteral reflux. The case is compared to other genetic syndromes, especially with the Bloom’s syndrome and the Nijmegen’s syndrome. All of them are characterised, like the Louis-Bar’s syndrome and the Fanconi’s syndrome, by chromosome fragility.
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UO di Pediatria, Azienda Ospedaliera Castel del Monte,
Presidio Ospedaliero I, Bonomo, Andria
Description of a case of hemiparetic syndrome due to embolism, which followed an atrial septum myxoma in a child aged 34 months. Overview of neurovascular accident causes in children.
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