Aprile 2006 - Volume XXV - numero 4
Problemi correnti
1UO di Ginecologia e Ostetricia, ULSS 15 “Alta Padovana”, Regione Veneto
2Clinica Ortopedica, Dipartimento di Specialità Medico - Chirurgiche, Università di Padova
Key words: Toeing-out, Rotational deformities of the femur, Diminuished femoral neck anteversion
The Authors report the data from the literature and the results of a study conducted in 47 subjects (of whom the majority were children), showing diminished anteversion of the femoral necks. This is a frequent and usually benign skeletal abnormality, easily recognisable on the basis of the clinical pattern. It is characterised by toeing-out gait and a specific alteration of function of the hips (increased range of external rotation motion and limitation of internal rotation). In childhood the radiological examination should be reserved to those rare cases, where the torsional deformity of the femora is particularly severe and not prone to resolution. Treatment includes simple corrective manoeuvres and only exceptionally it is surgical, at the end of the growth.
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