Novembre 2008 - Volume XXVII - numero 9
Articolo speciale
Pediatra di famiglia, Mestre (Venezia)
Indirizzo per corrispondenza:
Key words: Italy, Demography, Baby boom, Social changes
Italy is the oldest country in the world. In the last century the number of its inhabitants has doubled but in the last half century the absolute number of the newborns has halved. The fecundity rate has stabilized at 1.35, the lowest in Europe. ISTAT elaborations for the future (2051) forecast a further decrease in the number of children. As a consequence the dependence index of the non-working population will seriously increase. All this is rooted in the defeat of the traditional family, which entwines with social changes. Italy, the Health Care System and Paediatrics seem not to be aware of what is happening: there is not a family policy, which is indispensable, as well as there is not a reorganization and cultural renewing of Paediatrics.
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