Settembre 2010 - Volume XXIX - numero 7
Percorsi clinici
1Clinica Pediatrica, 2SCO di Radiologia, 3SCO di Otorinolaringoiatria, 4SCO di Chirurgia
IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste
Indirizzo per corrispondenza:
Key words: Foreign body, Atelectasis, Bronchoscopy, Respiratory sincitial virus, Case report
The work compares the cases of two children of the same age (14-15 months) who raise the similar suspect of inhalation of foreign bodies. In the first case the hypothesis was suggested by the radiologic finding of atelectasis. In the second case the clinical history was suggestive but it was not emphasized at first. Some comments on these clinical cases and about atelectasis and foreign bodies are reported. The aim was to discuss when the suspect of inhalation of foreign bodies raised, which is a common problem in children, and to define the indications to bronchoscopy.
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