Maggio 2012 - Volume XXXI - numero 5
Pagine elettroniche
1Dipartimento Materno-Infantile, Palermo; 2Clinica Pediatrica, Novara; 3Azienda Osp. Riuniti/Osp. Salesi-CRMR-IPAS Sindrome di Down e Bambini Adottati e Immigrati, Ancona; 4Clinica Pediatrica, Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Roma; 5Clinica Pediatrica, Torino; 6Ospedale Meyer, Firenze; 7SC Pediatria, Ospedale San Vito al Tagliamento (Pordenone)
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Key words: International adoptions from Colombia, GLNBI Study Group of Paediatric Italian Society, Pre-adoptive medical records, Special health needs
Background - In the last few years the number of internationally
adopted children from Colombia has increased in Italy, but
their health status is unknown. This multicenter and retrospective
study assesses the health status of these children at their arrival.
Methods - 331 children adopted from Colombia between June
2008 and November 2011 were evaluated at their arrival in
Italy according to protocol of GLNBI Study Group of Paediatric
Italian Society, and their health status was compared with their
pre- adoptive medical records.
Results - 129 children came to Italy without pre-adoptive medical
records. Gestational age and birth weight were reported respectively
only in 23 and 25 children and background concerning
hereditary diseases in 98 of them, while notices about delivery
and Apgar score were always lacking. False and alarming
diseases were often described in pre-adoptive records,
whereas other important disorders were not reported. Growth
delay for weight and height, iron deficiency anaemia, emotional
and cognitive delays were frequent, likely in account of
their pre-adoptive nutritional and emotional deprivations. Undiagnosed
infectious diseases, especially intestinal parasites
and hepatitis A, were often observed and immunization status
was often incomplete, despite pre-adoptive vaccination schedules
documented previous full vaccinations.
Conclusions - Children adopted from Colombia, similarly to those
adopted from other nations, should receive special medical
evaluation at their arrival in the new country, because they have
“special health needs”.
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Pagine elettroniche
Pediatri di famiglia, Valdagno (Vicenza)
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