Gennaio 2015 - Volume XXXIV - numero 1
Problemi speciali
1Clinica Pediatrica, 2Pronto Soccorso, 3Radiologia, IRCCS Materno-Infantile “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste
Indirizzo per corrispondenza:
Key words: Hand and fingers fractures, Children, Diagnosis, Ultrasonography, Emergency department
In the emergency room the current management of the patient with suspected fracture involves a physical examination of the damaged area, an examination by the specialist and the performance of radiographic projections depending on the clinical suspicion. Analyzing the literature, there is evidence that the ultrasound method can be useful to perform an assessment of the first instance. In fact, the ultrasound diagnosis of fractures is now a method that, if performed by trained staff (also in a short time), has a good specificity and sensitivity. So, it could be performed as a first approach to trauma with suspected fracture, before the specialist examination. The paper highlights that ultrasound, performed by the radiologist, or by a paediatrician after a short specific training, presents good sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of fractures of the hands and fingers.
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