Aprile 2019 - Volume XXXVIII - numero 4
1Casa Pediatrica, ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco, Milano
2Clinica Pediatrica, Ospedale “F. Del Ponte”, Università Insubria Varese-Como, Varese
3UOC di Pediatria, Presidio San Fermo, ASST Lariana, Como
Indirizzo per corrispondenza: angelo.selicorni61@gmail.com
Key words: Obesity, Multifactorial disease, Syndromic obesity, Genes and environment
Obesity is a complex and multifactorial disease resulting from the interaction between genes and environment. The increasing prevalence of obesity in paediatric age needs a reasoned approach to obese children and the identification of also less frequent forms such as monogenic and syndromic obesity. The aim of this article is to give the key elements for a complete anamnestic and clinical evaluation of obese children in order to recognize monogenic and syndromic forms of obesity and produce a correct diagnostic flow chart when suspecting syndromic obesity.
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