Maggio 2019 - Volume XXXVIII - numero 5
Percorsi clinici
1Università di Trieste
2SOC di Pediatria, Ospedale “Sant’Antonio”, San Daniele del Friuli (Udine)
Indirizzo per corrispondenza:
Key words: FPIES, Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome, Poor growth, Methemoglobinemia
The paper discusses the case of a 25-day-old baby presenting with dystrophic appearance and lethargic behaviour. This clinical presentation immediately suggested the suspect of an initial systemic infection. The overall negative laboratory findings together with a detailed anamnesis, which highlighted a history of poor growth, suggested the hypothesis of chronic conditions, specifically a moderate form of malnutrition. The baby was fed with high quantities of formula milk to restore an adequate amount of daily calories. However, this kind of alimentation caused a worsening of her symptoms that led to the diagnosis of FPIES (Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome).
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