Ottobre 1997 - Volume XVI - numero 8
Problemi correnti
Gruppo di Lavoro sull’Allattamento al Seno, Neonatologia e Centro collaboratore dell’OMS per la Salute Materno-Infantile, IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste
Key words: Breastfeeding, Medical interferences, Sedatives, Thermal control
Doctors can exert a strong influence on the success of breastfeeding, from the period immediately preceding birth to the first months of life. The Authors provide a list of common medical interferences with breastfeeding, focusing on some of the less obvious, such as sedatives given to mother prior to delivery, inadequate thermal protection in the delivery room, use of topic ointments for the prevention and the treatment of sore nipples and lack of appropriate training in principles and practice of breastfeeding.
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